After seeing the success of our GP-200 vane, the team at Gas Pro Vanes along with Dave Cousins went to the drawing board and discovered how to make an even more specialized parabolic vane. The GP-280 is a midsized Compound Bow Indoor vane that can also be used for 3D tournaments, field tournaments or even hunting. We suggest using these vanes on mid to large diameter shafts when arrow flight and stability are the name of the game. The GP-280 vane was developed to achieve maximum stability and speed to provide the best performance possible on both carbon and aluminium arrows. Choose the best in the GP-280 like Dave Cousins has, the only compound shooter to hold the grandslam of International World Championships (World Target, World Indoor, World Field, and World 3D)!
Item code: ALET79115 EUR 10,00
Length | 2.8 INCH |
profile | PARABOLIC |
weight | 7.1 GRAINS APX. |
quantity | 25 PIECES PER PACKAGE |
PREZZI | al pezzo |
Prezzo unitario | € 10,00 |
These reviews were made by customers with a verified purchase, voluntarily and without any kind of benefit. Reviews containing language deemed unsuitable, incorrect or offensive may be banned.
02/01/2023 | O VANES GP-280 DAVE COUSINS SIGNATURE SERIES WITHOUT GLUE BLACK: Excellent vanes, durable, consistent weight and shape which is critical for the flight of the arrow |
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